The AI-Powered 

Point-of-Care Solution 

for Antibiotic Need

The Problem

Acute bacterial infections are a leading cause of death worldwide. If treated in time with antibiotics, many of these deaths can be prevented. However, overuse of antibiotics is already leading to increased antimicrobial resistance, along with side effects and high costs. As such, physicians need better tools to identify which patients require antibiotics and which don’t. While new tests are being developed, none truly serve the needs of outpatient physicians, who require fast and accurate diagnostics without expensive and maintenance-intensive reader devices.

Our Answer

Our AI-powered point-of-care test uses a single drop of blood to provide insights into the immune response to the underlying infection. After just five minutes, taking a photo of the assay using our smartphone app allows our AI-algorithm to determine whether or not antibiotics are required.

Our team of clinicians and scientists from the Charité University Hospital in Berlin in currently developing METIS within the Digital Health Accelerator of the Berlin Institute for Health.

Up for the Task:

Our interdisciplinary team of experts from the Charité University Hospital includes backgrounds in internal medicine, emergency medicine, laboratory medicine, machine learning, and biostatistics.

Together, we have spent years researching and evaluating infection and sepsis tools including machine-learning-enhanced tests, transcriptomics, and proteomics.

Dr. Eva Diehl-Wiesencker

Clinical Coordination

Dr. Iris von Wunsch

Need & Product

Prof. Dr. Kai Kappert


Monika Prpic, MSc

Machine Learning

Noa Galtung, MD

Project Lead

Dr. Wolfgang Bauer

Research Lead

Let’s Work Together

METIS is currently still in development, we are aiming for market access by 2026. If you’re interested in joining our mission, send us a message and we will get in touch! We are seeking people with experience in:

We are also interested in new co-operations and finding partners in the following fields

Contact us at